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Ezra Paul Men's Clothing Blog — design

Are Your Suits Too Tight?

design fitted sport coat suit tight

Are Your Suits Too Tight?

As men’s clothing has undergone a drastic conversion from an all-time peak of bagginess in the early 2000s to the much more fitted styles of today, a lot of attention has been devoted to the laggards who have been slow to adapt. I recently wrote about Donald Trump’s baggy suits and he certainly isn’t alone in his outdated style sensibilities. However, I’ve noticed a pretty severe overcorrection in some crowds in response to the excessive bagginess of the 1990s and 2000s. Honey, I Shrunk Your Suit Starting in the middle of the 2000s, men’s clothing started to gradually slim down....

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Jacket Silhouettes and Design

design jacket sportcoat suit

Jacket Silhouettes and Design

Menswear has clearly undergone a drastic change in the last fifteen years. This post explores what this means with regard to the men's jacket and how it it's designed.

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